In December, Les Mills came out with a home system for Body Pump. Perhaps you have heard of Body Pump or done their classes at a gym. Let me tell you a little about it and my story with Body Pump. Once upon a time- a long time ago- I taught aerobics classes. I took the training to be a Body Pump Instructor. I never finished. Although I was like 40 lbs. lighter than I am now, I found it to be very challenging. Then I met my husband...and well the story ended with me getting married and having kids instead of continuing my aerobic teaching.....
Since I had done the training to become an instructor, I had a Body Pump CD and VHS. Yes, that is how long ago this was- they were still making VHS tapes. SO I started doing the Body Pump video in my living room. After I had my first baby, I found doing this even once a week, was helpful to my weight loss efforts.
There are two basic types of exercise one needs to shed pounds: CARDIO- you have to work hard to burn off the fat- aerobics, running, biking, walking, swimming, etc. {Of course interval training can speed this up and help even more but that is another post for another time.}
The other type is WEIGHT LIFTING- you have to work those muscles so they can burn more calories. The great thing about lifting weights, and doing resistance training, is that your body burns more calories for a lot longer afterwards, than it does after a cardio workout.
After my first baby, I taught elementary school P.E. I was doing a lot or walking and exercise all day long. When I came home, I would run, walk, or do Body Pump. The weight came off very easily. I also watched what I ate! Watching what you eat is KEY to getting results!
HERE I am 6 years later...and Beach Body teams up with Les Mills and brings us the home version of Body Pump. I had just had my 4th baby in less than 6 years. I NEEDED BODY PUMP!
So I purchased it. You can purchase it
HERE. Just in case you are interested.
Here is what it includes:
You get about 7 CD's, the bar, 2 weights that are 5 lbs and two that are 10 lbs. You also get a Nutrition Guide and a few other things.
I am not getting paid a penny to share this with you.
BUT since doing Body Pump at home, I have lost inches, pounds, and gained muscle!
I still have about 30 lbs. to lose to get to my goal, but I am amazed at how much weight I can lift now. I feel so much better, stand taller, and have more energy.
Body Pump is really fun too! They have the best music, which makes working out in your living room much more enjoyable. There is a learning curve to lifting weights. Good form is essential for results. If you have never lifted weights before, this comes with an instructional DVD- the first one of the set. It might also be helpful to find someone who knows the basics of lifting weights to show you and help you with your form.
Please know I am not a personal trainer or a nutritionist. I am just sharing things that have helped me to get some results!