Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Going through the motions

I have mixed feelings about "going through the motions"- you know doing something without 100% real intent. For example, going to the temple every week, and then telling everyone you do that, but then talking negatively about family members, church members, friends, neighbors, etc. That kind of stuff really really bugs me and I see people living that way all the time. I am guilty of doing this myself.

Same thing with scripture study. Some people always make sure you know they are serious scripture studiers...but it doesn't seem to sink in- like change how they are and how they treat people. We are all human and sometimes we all just don't get it.

So that is what I mean about "going through the motions". I firmly believe "any act can be good or bad depending on your motive."  Sometimes your motives are pure, and sometimes they are just to get through it- going through the motions- which isn't entirely bad, I have decided. :)

So how does this relate to exercise and weight loss? Well yesterday- I got  on the treadmill and did just that-"went through the motions." I was tired. I was beat. I did not want to be doing that thing called exercise. But I pushed on and finished. 3 miles. And I felt good, even though I started just going through the motions.

I still think it is always best to do things with real intent. But sometimes, going through the motions can help you and make you stronger. And for that, you become a better person. And pretty soon, those motions will always be done with real intent.

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